Featured Book: Is U.S. Business Overregulated?
Ask Jim Sagner which candidate in the presidential primary knew the most about economics, world trade, business regulation and its crippling effect on America’s economic health and he’ll tell you that none of the candidates really seemed to know enough. A clear sign, perhaps, that they, like most Americans, could use a lesson on the effects of overregulation provided in his book: Is U.S. Business Over-regulated? How Government Destroys Our Abiity to Compete Globally. American business, Dr. Sagner asserts that American companies are no longer able to compete effectively in the global marketplace, due in large part, to outdated and unrealistic U.S. regulations. Is there a practical answer to the deepening problem? Dr. Sagner, an internationally recognized expert in financial management and economic analysis, says there is: get rid of laws that stay on the books long after they are needed and cripple America’s prospects.