Posts made in February, 2011

Are You Ready for Digital Living?

Congratulations to York House Press Author Shelly Palmer’s FOX 5 show, Shelly Palmer Digital Living, has been nominated for 2 NY Emmys. You can watch every episode at Shelly’s website. If you want to know more about building your digital life, check out Shelly’s book, Overcoming the Digital Divide:

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Which Side of the Digital Divide Are You On?

YHP author Shelly Palmer tackles the growing disconnect between the digital natives of the Internet generation and those trying to keep up with tweets and tumbles in his book, Overcoming the Digital Divide: How to use Social Media and Digital Tools to reinvent yourself and your career Which side are you on? “The socio-techno divide is an upward-moving blurry line that defines the boundary between people who “get” digital by osmosis and those who have to deal with the reality that about a third of the current work force doesn’t have a personal reference for the terms “dial the phone” or “sounds like a broken record.” Are you a member of the TV generation or part of the digital revolution? It’s pretty easy to tell. The “space age” ended circa 1980 as the “information age” began. If you were born before 1980, you are part of the TV generation; if you are younger than that, you are either a digital immigrant or a digital native. Now, of course there are many variations on this theme. At this writing, I put the practical socio-techno divide between 37 and 40 years old. My reasoning and supporting research are purely “armchair.” If your idea of kicking back after a long day at school was hitting the sofa with a box of Cracker Jacks and a glass of Tang (because that’s what the astronauts drank), you’re a member of the TV generation. If your idea of recreation using a video screen includes coming home and playing a quad-split, first-person shooter on Xbox 360 with friends from around the world, drinking a Red Bull (with or without vodka) while munching on chocolate-covered coffee beans and Doritos (Nacho cheese flavor, so you cover two food groups), you’re probably not a member of the TV generation.” Check out Shelly’s book to master the tools you need to bridge the digital...

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Free Excerpt: Overcoming the Digital Divide

How do you think like a digital native? Media guru Shelly Palmer answers that question and many more in his new book, Overcoming the Digital Divide, an essential primer for savvy business professionals who want to use social networks to build a personal brand and jump-start their careers. Read an excerpt from Overcoming the Digital Divide…

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The Boy Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest (and got a smack down)

Digital Living guru and York House Press author Shelly Palmer was the boy who kicked the hornet’s nest recently after he accused those of a certain age (and younger) of being “pridefully ignorant” for not recognizing the web, social media and digital tools as professional life preservers.  The blow back was instant and harsh, as certain life-long professionals, who say they get along just fine with flip phones and fax machines, started calling names and talking smack about Mr. Palmer, telling him in no uncertain terms what little respect they have for him and all the Johnny come latelies with loose lips and little discretion who run around squawking on social media.  The Shelly Palmer blog obviously did what it intended: hit a nerve by drawing the battle lines between those who can’t live without digital tools and those who can’t stand them.  But the truth no doubt lies somewhere, as usual, in the middle.  Shelly’s latest book, “Overcoming the Digital Divide”, separates noise from signal by giving digital newbies a simple, swift and expert lesson in how to make the new tools work for you so you don’t get left behind on the wrong side of the digital divide, where you are in danger of being uncool and unemployable.  “Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it!”  That’s what I say to all those of you who chirp about how inane tweeting is.  Here’s an excerpt from “Overcoming the Digital Divide” by Shelly Palmer.  Give it to the digitally challenged folks you know.  Free Excerpt: Overcoming the Digital Divide   or Buy the...

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